If you want to (or have to) participate in this new trend, you surely want to know how to do this for free. Free webinar software is accessible to everyone, but it is better to find out earlier which one offers the best quality of service before deciding on the one.
The essentials you will need to host a webinar
Though many devices these days have built-in microphones and cameras, they are seldom of quality. That is why it is best to stock up on equipment of high quality in spite of the built-in ones. Hosting a webinar through a mobile phone is rather a bad idea, it is better to use a personal computer or at least a laptop. Though the newest mobile phones are equipped with relatively high-quality cameras, on mobile phones you have to use applications to run your software and the best webinar software offers simple access through a computer browser. It is simply more comfortable to use it that way.
Another essential to host a webinar is, of course, choosing proper webinar software and making sure that the internet connection is strong. If you are new to the webinar world and you want to host your first webinar, you want to choose the best free webinar software possible. As someone who’s just starting your journey with webinars, it is only natural that you want to create a free account to try out the possibilities of the chosen webinar software.
What to look for to get the best free webinar software?
The best free webinar software should have a lot of basic features that allow giving a proper webinar experience to the attendees. Of course, there should be also a possibility to buy a premium plan that is going to expand the given features where needed. Free software will always have some limitations, for example, the number of attendees, data storage (including storage dedicated for recording), tests, polls, sharing screens, breakout rooms, and marketing automatization. But all of those things should be present in the free version or else it is not worth giving it a shot. Skillful usage of those features makes a webinar an attractive event to participants. And everyone knows that the knowledge is easier to comprehend when it is served in an attractive form.
What do you need to know before hosting your first webinar?
Hosting a webinar is not only knowing your lines; you also have to know your software well and plan your interactions with attendees carefully. You do not want to host a webinar without conducting proper preparations. Features of free webinar software allow you to not only give a lesson about a certain topic, but also to engage participants in the learning process. For that reason, there are, for example, polls and tests. The best speakers do not only rely on monologuing but try to lead a dialogue with their audience by asking questions, among other things. At the beginning of the webinar, you can try to make a joke or ask an icebreaker question.
For more information, see: https://www.livewebinar.com/features/broadcast-webinar