Write For Us (Leading Technology Blog)

Feel free to Mail Directly to [email protected] to Publish your Guest Post

Want to write for us? Then we have an opportunity for you. We are one of the top tech publications available on the internet. We get over thousands of page visitors each month and has a vast user base from different countries.

And by publishing your content on our website, you will be able to showcase your product, service or anything else. No matter if you want to do a product promotion, share some helpful guides or you just want to share some thoughts of yours related to technology. We welcome you to our platform.

write for us

We are giving you the chance to speak your heart out through a guest post. And we will make sure that it is getting heard by our reader’s base.

However, as one of the largest technology website, we get thousands of guest post requires each month. And approving all of them to our website is quite a tough job. As we focus on providing quality information to our readers. Hence, we are quite strict about what kind of content we are going to publish.

As a contributor, you might have your own thoughts, and you want to share it with others. However, as our job is to offer our readers the valuable information only. We have rules for all the people out there who want to contribute to your website.

So let me just walk you through our guidelines for a guest post:

What are we looking for?

As are technology people, so we are welcoming people who want to share something related to tech. We are looking ahead to work with content geeks and tech savvy people who love to write and share information with others.

Plus, as we are maintaining the quality of our website. So we are looking ahead to receive a contribution from people who understand the value of quality content. We are looking ahead to work with people who can help our website with quality content so we can serve our readers the best way possible.

You are free to pick whichever content you are interested in. Or if you are running out of ideas, do send us an email and you and I will figure out what kind of topic should best for the blog. Even if you have a good topic in your head that you believe our readers will be interested in it, then feel free to let us know about the topic. So we can give you go whether you should write an article or not.

No matter what kind of help you are looking for related to content choosing. Do give us an email and we will help you out.

How to come up with a great idea for blog submission?

There is no doubt that in the tech industry, there are a lot of things to explore. As this technology is evolving day by day. Hence, it is quite tough for you to find a topic.

However, if you are really not sure what kind of topic you should choose for guest post submission. Then I would suggest you go through our website and check what kind of content we publish. For example, we are publishing how to guides, smartphone news, and so on.

If you are comfortable in any of such content. Then you are free to write content on these topics. Also in case if you have some other topic that you can suggest to us. Then I would suggest you to write an email to us, and we will help you with the content topic.

Content Submission Guidelines

Before you go ahead and write an article for our website. We urge you to read through these guidelines. So you will not have to face any rejections. As well as we can publish your content on our website as soon as possible.

Table Of Contents

Before you start with your content, it would be a nice idea if you let us know your content idea. Let us what would be your article type, what kind of points you are going to add in your content. This way, it will be helpful for us to judge your content and figure out if we are accepting the kind of content you are providing to us. As well as you do not have to face any rejections.

Original Article

We do not want you to steal anyone’s else work. Instead, we are looking ahead to get original content from you. We encourage you to write only original articles and not copied from other websites. We do not allow posts which are already posted on a personal blog or website or on any other websites. Instead, we will only accept the content if it is 100% original.

Topic Submission

You might want to write about pet care but sorry to let you know that we are not into that. And even in the world of the technology industry, there are quite a lot of topics that are available that we do not talk about on our website. However, before you pick up content. It would be nice of you to check out the kind of topics we publish on our website. This will help you to understand what kind of content we are looking for and what kind of topics we publish on our website. As we really do not want to switch our content tracks.

Word Count

We want you to explain your article the best way possible. We want you to include all the topics that fall under your main topic. There should not be any leftover. As well as to maintain the quality of our website, we are strict with the content length. Make sure your content length is about 1000 words at least. Short articles do not perform well when it comes to explaining things. Hence, you better mind the word count.


Your article should be perfectly formatted. Make sure to add headings, subheadings and whatever you need to make the article readable and user friendly. Make sure to bold the important parts of your article. This helps in scanning the article and offers the users a better user experience.


You can link to any other websites through your website. However, we would like to mention that you can only link to pages which are relevant to your article and supports your article. We do not encourage forced link placement. If we encounter such cases, we will have to reject your guest post.

Internal Linking

You can also do internal linking. If you see any existing post on our website which supports your article. You are free to add internal linking. After all, the main job here is to provide users with valuable information and give them the best user experience.

Write short paragraphs

If you are writing long paragraphs. Then do not do it. It is bad not from the point of view of SEO. But form the user’s point of view too. Make sure to write short articles which are easily understood by the readers and can scan through the article pretty easily.

Add multimedia

We also encourage you to add images to your article. As in order to make a great article, we should not just help our readers with valuable information but with images too. So they can understand the topic in a better way. So whenever you are submitting an article, do not just stick with text based content. Feel free to add some images. Even if you have a video to share, then you can also add it on your article.

Editorial rights

In the end, by submitting a guest post, you accept the fact that we own complete rights on your blog content. As a result, we can edit your article, make changes in it whenever we want to. As well as you have to accept the fact that you cannot share the same article with other publications online.

Dos’ and Don’ts

Here is a couple of do’s and don’ts you need to keep in your mind while submitting or writing an article for our website:


• Make sure to be original. We request you not to copy anything from other websites online and paste it in your article. If you do so, we will reject your article right away.
• Make sure to add your personal thoughts. You should not write something which you are not aware of it. As this reduces the quality of the article. Of course, the internet is full of resources. So if you can put the information in the right manner, then we will publish your article without any issues.
• Make sure that your article is long enough for the readers as well as search engines. Long articles not just helps you explain the topic in a better way. But the readers to get a great experience.
• You should only use original images that you own. If you do not have your own images, make sure to provide copyright free images to us.
• Please add resources to your articles. This will help the readers to understand the topic in a better way.


• We do not encourage plagiarism. No matter what kind of content you are writing, make sure it is original and not a rewrite of anyone else’s work.
• Make sure to write an article which is giving value to the readers. Articles which is not going provide any value to the readers will be rejected.
• We only accept articles which are using the right grammar and spell free errors. As well as make sure to use proper formatting. Understanding technology can be hard. And it will even make more hard if you cannot convey your thoughts to the writer in a better way. So make sure to the proper format.
• Do not use images which falls under the copyright infringement. As we do not want to deal with copyright cases.

What will you achieve in return?

In case, if you are wondering what you will get by submitting a guest post on our website. Then let me answer the question to you.

We respect your contribution on our website, and we make sure that you are getting maximum exposure for your

content. To help you with that, we will give you a separated author page. On your author page, you are free to add your social media links, your bio, website, email or any other thing. As well as below your article, we will show your author box.

As a result, the users will be able to know about you. As well as you can use this opportunity to connect with other people. Apart this to sum things up, here are some other benefits that you will be getting:

• Your work will be exposed to our millions of reader’s base. And you will get feedback on your content from them.
• You will be able to add a short bio of yourself at the end of the post. This will help others to know you in a better way.
• You will be getting a do-follow backlink to your website.
• Overall, you will be getting recognition from our website.

How to submit a Guest Post?

So you have written an article with all the guidelines we have mentioned above? If yes, then you are good to go with the guest post submission process. To submit an article, you can simply email us to [email protected]

Once we receive your article, we will check it and see if we can accept the article or not. Also, I would like to make a request that you should give us some time to view your article and reply you back. As we get too many requests for guest posting.

So it is quite hard for us to reply to you instantly. However, be assured that we will let you know about the status. Whether we are accepting your article or rejecting it, we will let you know our decision through the email.