Reasons Why Organisations Should Ignore Blended Learning

Blended Learning

The term “blended learning” refers to the practice of combining different strategies of training delivery. Also known as the hybrid training model, blended learning most commonly combines self-paced training delivery with instructor led sessions.

This doesn’t just make life a bit easier for teachers/instructors, blended learning is also proven to improve the overall effects of training on learners

In this experiment, middle school and high school students showed drastic improvements (8 percentile points!) in performance when they were introduced to blended learning.

In a survey of educators, 76% agreed that blended learning is beneficial for students/learners.

While these surveys and experiments involved school and university level learners and instructors, the benefits of blended learning aren’t limited to school and university level students.

However, while these surveys opened the traditional education system’s eyes to the possibilities of adding self-paced learning to their curriculum, in the case of corporates, the opposite is required.

The Challenges Of Blended Learning For Corporates

Thanks to the costs involved in hiring instructors and getting them in front of learners, many businesses have been on the sidelines when it comes to instructor led sessions.

The current global pandemic that has forced all of us inside our homes has become an additional deterrent for businesses to embrace a blended learning approach. However, with modern web conferencing services, hosting virtual instructor led training sessions has become more affordable and accessible than ever before.

The best part is, web conferencing services allow businesses to adapt to a blended learning model, even when their employees are mostly working from home.

Still not convinced if your organization should employ blended learning in its training initiatives? Consider these benefits:


With blended learning, you can introduce just the right amount of flexibility to your training. By explaining complex topics through virtual instructor led sessions, and providing self-paced material for the rest, you and your learners can enjoy the best of both worlds.

By scheduling your online classroom sessions strategically, you can also ensure that none of your learners misuses the freedom of self-paced learning and falls far behind the rest of the batch.

Since the whole affair will be online, you can also record your instructor led sessions and upload them for learners that may miss out on a lesson for any reason.


With virtual training sessions, businesses don’t have to pay for the logistics and accommodation charges for an instructor. Moreover, businesses are not compelled to reserve a space where the classroom session can be held.

With several free web conferencing software available on the web, the investment of introducing an instructor to your training is only limited to the fee of the instructor.

In other words, you can enjoy all the benefits of a blended training model, by paying a fraction of the price.

Personalised Training Experience

A generic training experience is perhaps the biggest shortcoming of a self-paced training model. With blended learning, the instructor can personalise the training experience for each learner, at least to some extent.

Instructors can better identify the learners that are having a hard time grasping a concept, and personally help them get up to speed.


These were just a few of the several benefits of a blended learning model. These, combined with the increased accessibility to instructor led training, mean that businesses have no more excuses to not take advantage of blended learning.

What is stopping your business from choosing a hybrid training model? Tell us in the comment section!

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