As with anything, technology is reshaping the way that we park. From apps in our smartphones to electric vehicles, the parking industry has been reshaped by innovation. Warden patrols have always specialised in monitoring parking, but technology has meant that this has undergone many changes. This is advantageous to many drivers who have found that parking is one of the most stressful aspects of driving. Thanks to the latest technology, parking can now be more stress-free than ever before, and the situation is only set to improve as we evolve in the technology sector.
Smartphone Apps
There’s no denying that our lives are slowly becoming dominated by apps from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep. These days, you’ll find an app for everything, making it no surprise that parking apps are in full circulation. Scrimping and scarping for change is now a thing of the past when it comes to paying for parking, as parking apps enable the user to pay for parking via smartphone apps. Not only are drivers able to pay for their parking via apps, but many will even inform the user of available spots. In this day and age, it’s all about the convenience.
Voice Automation
In addition to apps, voice automation is also becoming all the rage. From the Amazon Echo to the Google Nest, we’re forever speaking to our technology to get it to do what we want. This is even more important in an automobile, as it’s both dangerous and illegal to manually operate anything aside from the vehicle manually. Today, you can use your voice to pay for your parking, which came about in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, as it meant that touching was minimized. Despite this, the trend has continued due to its convenience, as well as the fact that COVID-19 opened our eyes to hygiene problems that we face on the daily.
Infotainment Parking
Modern cars aren’t what they used to be, and it won’t be long until the driver is obsolete. These days, cars are super computers and tell us everything that we need to know about them; whether they need a service or if we’re about to reverse into something, our cars know exactly what they need and they make it known. As a result, manufacturers are making it their mission to replicate your smartphone, which takes the need for operating a phone inside your vehicle out of your hands. Gone are the days of your car being four wheels to get from A to B. Our cars are now a central hub that tell us when we’ve got a message, where we need to go, and even how to park.
Parking the Data
Although many feel as though the way in which modern technology collects data is incredibly invasive, this can actually be helpful in many ways. Since data is so accessible, cities are able to analyse traffic habits and high street habits, which enables them to plan the space. As a result, these cities will become more efficient, as parking will be more sensibly placed. Similarly, councils will be facilitated in meeting their sustainability goals, as tariffs may be given to higher polluting vehicles.
The Future of Parking
Technology has reshaped the future of parking, and cashless systems are more important than ever in today’s society. Not only this, but parking technology has provided motorists with reassurance as they venture out of their homes following lockdown. Therefore, parking technology is ideal for companies, as they can encourage visitors through the security of their parking. Despite this, this is only the beginning of something much bigger.