Home Gaming Create Your Own Gaming Server with a VPS | Update 2021

Create Your Own Gaming Server with a VPS | Update 2021

Create Your Own Gaming Server with a VPS | Update 2021

If you are a gamer who loves multiplayer gaming online, you may like the idea of running your own gaming server for various reasons. Especially if you’re a fan of games like Minecraft or World of Warcraft, you might love the idea of creating your own game with your own rules and play with whoever you like!

That’s brilliant! And that’s the reason many people come to RouterHosting to create their own gaming server VPS for low prices and good specs.

You might be wondering whether to choose a dedicated server or a VPS for your gaming server, but you sure have noticed the price tags on those dedicated hosting plans. Nevertheless, it’s a great option if you have that kind of money or cash flow to compensate for their cost. Besides, a maintenance overhead with a full-dedicated server can be left to the hosting company people (our pleasure!) on a VPS hosting plan.

Is a VPS a Good Choice for Gaming?

To sum it up, a big fat “Yes!” With VPS hosting, you will have everything a dedicated server has to offer, privacy, dedicated resources, full root access, and control, but with enhanced security and DDoS protection, all at a fraction of what a full-dedicated server will cost you. That is due to the nature of VPS. Let’s take a closer look at what a VPS is.

game vps hosting

What is a VPS?

As its name suggests, a Virtual Private Server or VPS is a virtual emulation of a real server. Using common virtualization technology, the hosting company breaks a standard dedicated server into several smaller machines, each with its own dedicated portion of the resources. Each Virtual Machine will act like a real server, and unlike shared hosting, no resources are shared with other clients, thus the “private” part in its name.

Basically, it is just like a real dedicated server but much smaller, costing much less and bringing less hassle.

Now, knowing that what good is a VPS for gaming or building a game server?

A VPS plan means having full root access to your game server, making it fully customizable for gamers. You can have your choice of Windows 10 VPS, Linux VPS, or even FreeBSD VPS. In addition, your data and storage are completely private, and no other client can access your files or poke around in your game. On top of that, dedicated resources guarantee a certain level of performance, which is very important in everyone’s gaming experience.

What Can Gamers Do with a VPS?

You can do many things with your gaming VPS, and it just depends on what you want it to use for building.

Here is what you can do with a Gaming VPS:

  • You can host gaming sessions for any game you want (for example, Minecraft, World of Warcraft, Runescape) and set the rules you want.
  • You can let other players connect to your server, reducing lags while gaming.
  • You can bypass the game publisher, create more control and privacy for yourself.
  • You can create a gaming experience where connection drops don’t ruin the feel for you.
  • You can run the game server on the best hardware while paying only a fraction of the cost a dedicated server has.
  • You can get root access to your VPS to set up and manage it any way you desire.

Advantages of a VPS Over a Dedicated Server

You may still be asking, “Isn’t a dedicated server the better option anyway?” Well, sure! If you have the budget and the technical know-how for renting and maintaining a full, dedicated server. You will have a powerful server all to yourself. However, it may be more than you need, and you end up spending some of the time you could be rather playing or working on your game, on maintaining the server.

For most of the things you may intend to do with your gaming server, a VPS suits just enough. You don’t have to pay nearly as much or do as much work on the server itself.

With a VPS, you will still get full root access so that you can configure your server any way you want. You will have an ensured level of performance, great connectivity, and everything you expect from your gaming server, just cheaper.

One more thing: you can upgrade your plan as much as you want whenever you want. On a VPS plan, it’s as simple as allocating more resources to your machine, and you’re good to go.

What are the Requirements for a Game Server?

A gaming server needs:

  • A high-speed stable internet connection. The number one factor determining the quality of your gaming experience and everyone else’s is the strength of internet connectivity. There are various aspects to a good connection:
    • Stable connection: no dropping out of the game
    • High-speed internet: improving load time.
    • Low latency: decreasing lag (the game killer!)
  • Enough Memory: to support a multi-player game on a gaming server, you need around 8GB of RAM for your working memory. This means spending less time fetching data from the hard storage.
  • Fast SSD storage: You will need enough fast SSD, preferably NVMe/SSD storage, so reading data from hard storage doesn’t become the bottleneck for the whole system’s performance.
  • Powerful processor. Every gamer knows fast processing is essential in the gaming experience. It’s also essential in the performance of a gaming server. You’ll need enough CPU cores of good processors to run parallel processing, essential for games, especially multiplayer games.

Does a VPS meet these gaming server requirements? Easily. You can allocate as many resources as you need, so there’s no limit, really. RouterHosting’s recommended best-value Gaming VPS plan offers you:

  • 4 CPU cores
  • 8GB of RAM
  • 140GB of NVMe/SSD storage
  • 7TB of bandwidth
  • 1Gbps connection

If you need more, you can still select a higher plan or create your own plan that suits your needs. With our 24/7 customer care and 7-day Money-back Guarantee, it’s always worth a try. So check our Gaming VPS plans and start your gaming sever now.


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