You’re Using It Wrong: A Conclusive Guide to the 9 Most Puzzling Emojis

You're Using It Wrong: A Conclusive Guide to the 9 Most Puzzling Emojis


Many people speak about emojis in different ways. On one hand, they assist in conveying almost any moods and sentiments without so many words. On the other hand, we sometimes turn out not receiving the emotion or the point that somebody we’re speaking with was aiming to express to us. The only point that’s apparent here is that these distinctive pictures have firmly come to be a part of our daily lives.

But, are we 100% sure that we’re using emojis properly? Possibilities are you’ve at least got a few wrongs. Let’s be frank, emojis can seriously be difficult to decipher. Most of the time, we suppose they imply one thing when they’re really meant for something else. Although a picture may speak a thousand meanings, those meanings will not be identical for each person.

Ahead, this emoji guide will show you which ones you’ve possibly gotten incorrectly. Worry no more because you won’t have to be puzzled about them anymore.

1. Folded Hands Emoji

The folded hands emoji has its roots in Japan, wherein two hands laid tightly together is used to convey gratefulness or request. Transmuted to a North American context, however, the meaning of this isn’t quite so obvious. A lot of users have embraced the emoji as an icon for high-five, while other people use it like a prayer.

2. The Love Hotel Emoji

This emoji shows a structure with an H on its front and a pink heart to its side. We usually think it implies a compassionate hospital. Others also believe that, perhaps, it’s a symbol for a home where your heart is.

It does get confused for a get well soon symbol because of the resemblance to the hospital emoji. But, based on Emojipedia, this emoji is most certainly a hotel that’s hired by romantic couples as contradicted to one where people stay for the night.

3. Dizzy Emoji

The emoji poses a star at the ending point of a curve of light. We generally believe it entails a shooting star, but this it’s undeniably not one for keen stargazers. It’s intended to signify the feeling of dizziness or the sensation of noticing stars after you fall in the same way as you’d see in a cartoon where a person is hit on his/her head.

4. Information Desk Person Emoji

A lot of emoji users apply this emoji to embody sassiness. If you’re one of them, well, you’re wrong. Believe it or not, this emoji actually signifies a person at a reception or information desk, giving people with solutions to problems and answers to questions.

5. Astonished Emoji

No, you’re not alone in presuming that the emoji with the X for eyes means a dead face. The character is, in fact, intended as an astonished face. It’s the perfect emoji to utilize the next time we ought to have a representation to reveal how stunned we are.

6. Person Bowing Emoji

Another emoji that’s prone to trigger some uncertainty beyond Japan is this emoji. The emoji exposes a person with their head placed over his hands.

Many users linked the emoji to a person who leans his head on his hands. They also assume it to signify a person who gets ready for a massage or even does a push-up. What’s actually designed to signify here is a dogeza. It is where a person bows, which expresses a sign of respect or a sincere apology.

7. Dashing Away Emoji

Let’s accept it; a lot of emoji users correlated this emoji with verbosity. However, this tiny puff of air is, in reality, meant to embody the rapid movement of an object, comparable to what we see in cartoons.

8. Face with Cold Sweat Emoji

A lot of emoji users consider this emoji as a face with a misdirected tear. As such, plenty of them also uses it to indicate that they’re experiencing disheartenment. But this emoji essentially reveals a face with a drop of cold sweat.

When you’re chatting about being stressed in school or about putting in hard work at work, it’s an ideal emoji to use.

9. Hugging Face Emoji

Have you ever pondered why this emoji shows off the jazz hands? Well, here’s the answer to that: This emoji is intended to be a hugging face. Yes, that may not make it any less weird. However, if you’ve believed that this emoji shows a person who’s aiming to push someone or something away, at least you already tell that the intended implication is somewhat the opposite.


Every so often, words are not enough to fully express what you have to tell. Emojis have been there since 1999, but these wink expressions and random characters have caught on quite recently. Today, it can become humiliating if you’re not communicating the right idea to people.

The truth is, many, if not all, emojis are not universal. They’re incredibly contextual. They often hinge on a collective and pre-existent insight between users. What entails a thing to a particular demographic or cultural group usually involves something entirely different for the other.

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