Providing outstanding patient care includes more than just carrying out surgeries and making diagnosis. Communication is required at every stage of the healthcare system. Whether a clinic is exchanging patient information with another institution or hospital personnel are discussing how to handle present and incoming patients, clear, efficient communication is always crucial in the healthcare industry.
The effects of poor communication in healthcare may be damaging to patient health, whilst effective ones may be helpful. Open communication channels are critical for health care practitioners and organizations.
The poor communication in healthcare was responsible for 1,744 patient fatalities and $1.7 billion in malpractice costs during the preceding five years, according to a FierceHealthcare poll. Both patients and physicians would benefit from improved communication. Effective communication inside and across healthcare institutions is necessary to protect patients, save money, and improve efficiency (both within and between hospitals). Understanding a patient’s medical history aids in the prevention of medical mistakes.
To maintain the safety of their patients, health care organizations must build an effective communication coordination system. The leading cause of hospital mortality is ineffective communication. Communication mistakes were twice as common as clinical competence problems in a study of 14,000 hospital fatalities in 2006. Better physician-nurse communication might have saved a number of patient deaths. This is one of the reasons why patient safety is so important.
Here are the types of communication in healthcare that the service providers need to pay attention to.
Verbal and non-verbal
Patients must be informed by medical specialists before receiving care or treatment. This promotes the patient’s recovery. The patient can express their feelings, worries, and other queries to the healthcare practitioner orally. The eyes, hands, and other body parts are used in the healthcare industry to improve nonverbal communication. Leaning in and making eye contact are two nonverbal cues that demonstrate you care about someone.
Formal and informal
A hospital’s documentation and rules entail formal communication. There are stringent constraints on what may be stated and how it can be presented in this sort of communication. When discussing hospital policies to patients and their families, formal language must be used. Stronger bonds are more likely to emerge when patients and caregivers talk informally rather than officially. Patients’ interests, families, and everyday activities are shared in informal conversation.
Technology-aided communication
Sometimes patients and caregivers are unable to communicate. A big number of people employ technologically advanced communication methods in these circumstances. Patients who are unable to talk can have their ideas read aloud to them by a computer.
Signs and symbols
Important information may frequently be found on hospital signs and symbols by patients and visitors. Individuals who cannot read or understand a language might utilize this technique of communication in care circumstances.
Three categories of Healthcare communication systems
There are three sorts of effective communication between healthcare professionals systems in the healthcare industry: those used by clinicians, those used by patients and providers, and those used by the entire organization. Internal communications are used to request shifts and notify individuals of circumstances, among other things.
Dr. Enrico Coiera noted in the Clinical Biochemist Review in 2006 that if information is the lifeblood of healthcare, communication systems are its heart. Because the essay was published before its time, it is likely that Dr. Coiera was unable to forecast how quickly hospital communication technologies would evolve.
Following the publication of the report, Congress approved the HITECH Act, which pushed for the adoption of EHRs (EHRs). The number of people using EHRs has risen from 3.2 percent to 14.2 percent in the last six years. In 2013, all firms required to comply with the HIPAA Omnibus Rule were required to employ secure communication protocols.
It is possible to increase both the quality and efficiency of hospital communication networks. In an effort to limit the number of individuals who must return to the hospital, the Hospitals Readmission Reduction Program has set new guidelines for how to manage referrals, test results, and medications, as well as how to collaborate on a patient’s treatment and aftercare.
In the healthcare business, there are three basic types of information exchange systems. Using inter-provider systems to transport patients, provide medical treatments, and handle insurance coverage. There are internal messaging systems for shift requests and emergency notifications, as well as telemedicine consultations and appointment reminders.
Provider-to-Provider Communication Systems
The majority of healthcare providers’ intercommunication technology meet the administrative, physical, and administrative HIPAA Security Rule criteria. To safeguard the security and integrity of electronic protected health information (ePHI) provided or received electronically, covered organizations must ensure that the information is not disclosed, modified, or deleted without authorization.
These healthcare communication networks are subject to strict regulations. This includes verifying user identities, creating audit trails, and encrypting all stored data. Even if no data is compromised, the HHS can levy hefty fines for HIPAA infractions.
Provider-to-Patient Communication Systems
Although telemedicine consultations and appointment reminder systems do not require the same level of security, their use is still governed by the HIPAA Privacy Rule because the patient must be notified before any of these systems are used to transmit PHI, and communications are subject to the “Minimum Necessary Rule” once consent is obtained.
Patients and doctors can interact in a variety of ways. Email-based clinical consultation services and nurse call systems notify doctors when a patient’s condition changes. Patient-to-provider systems can be connected to EHRs via the HIPAA Security Rule, allowing patient data to be automatically updated.
Internal Communication Systems
HIPAA requires the implementation of an internal communication system. If the MNS is fulfilled, systems protected by a firewall may transfer ePHI without encrypting data. For example, the HIPAA Privacy Rule may make it difficult to relocate patients or deal with an increase of disaster-related visitors.
In such cases, CMS-mandated emergency preparedness measures, including emergency communication systems, must be established. Internal communication systems should have audit records, unless the HHS has exempted HIPAA compliance. Individual accountability is therefore ensured. This has an impact on internal company systems that call code automatically.
Both patients and caregivers must follow the guidelines for using healthcare communication devices. HIPAA security breaches may be less likely if suitable training and security safeguards are in place.