Home Cryptocurrency How To Transfer Bitcoin From One Wallet To Another

How To Transfer Bitcoin From One Wallet To Another

How To Transfer Bitcoin From One Wallet To Another

Bitcoin is by far the biggest and most popular cryptocurrency to exist. This doesn’t necessarily imply that most people into cryptocurrency have Bitcoin, but it does mean that people with Bitcoin will want to keep it safe and secure. Of course, we all know that Bitcoin loophole wallets are incredibly safe, going above and beyond with their safety measures. It’s only natural that people with some amount of Bitcoin in their wallets will want to transfer it to your separate wallet.

Therefore, I wrote this guide to help some newly interested people in cryptocurrency since this process can be pretty confusing and not entirely clear. You can really do this on any reputable exchange or cryptocurrency trading platform, but for the sake of this article, I’ll be going with the one that’s most popular by far: Coinbase. Don’t worry if you’re using something else, though. The process is more than likely almost precisely the same as any other crypto wallet.

Step 1. Open the Coinbase app if you have it downloaded on mobile or have the Pro version on your computer. If you don’t, open the Coinbase website at https://coinbase.com/, or install the app on your Android or iOS device.

Step 2. Log into your account using credentials and password. Enter your OTP is two-step verification is turned on.

Step 3. You’ll open onto the Dashboard page, where the app’s main functionalities and primary features lie.

Step 4. However, we’re going into the “Accounts” section. In the “Your Accounts” section, navigate the Bitcoin wallet (or any other wallet if you wish to transfer different cryptocurrencies). The process is more or less the same.

Step 5. You should now see an option “Receive.” Click this option for some codes you’ll need to receive the Bitcoin.

Step 6. One new window will pop up with one QR Code, and you can click on “Show Address” and copy the given address.

Step 7. Now visit the account you wish to transfer from and navigate to the wallet you wish to transfer money from.

Step 8. The last time you clicked “Receive,” but this time, we’ll be hitting “Send” because of sending Bitcoin to the wallet.

Step 9. Click on “Wallet Address” since we copied the address from the receiving wallet. Now paste or re-type address.

Step 10. Select the wallet you will be sending from, and add the amount you wish to send in either USD or BTC; you can also add short notes or messages if you will not be opening your recipient wallet immediately afterward.

Step 11. Watch out for the network fee. Coinbase and pretty much every other service charge this fee, so if you need an exact amount sent to the wallet, factor in the network fees and calculate the actual amount you’ll need to send.

Step 12. Upon pressing “Continue,” you should see one confirmation screen. Enter the OTP or verification code you received at your registered point-of-contact (associated mobile number or email address) and finally hit “Confirm.”

The coins will now be sent, this process may take quite some time depending on crypto-miners, and the transaction speed of Bitcoin is painstakingly slow too. So, don’t worry if they don’t instantaneously show up. I hope this short, simple guide was able to help you out! If you found this article informative, be sure to check out other notable works explaining everything from the world of cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin. This marks the end, and I will catch you soon.


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