Home Technology Backup Cameras for New US Cars is Now a Requirement

Backup Cameras for New US Cars is Now a Requirement

Backup Cameras for New US Cars is Now a Requirement

There is a new federal requirement for all cars sold in the US that started recently stating that all vehicles have to have a backup or reverse camera and a display for the driver to see the rear. This law is aimed at preventing accidents caused by drivers as many do not have a clear view of the back.

In the past, according to the US authorities, there have been several instances of kids being run over by backing up cars. Adults are not spared either since there have been such cases.

The 2008 Law

Although the federal law has taken effect just now, the law was passed in 2008 requiring the consideration of enhancement of rearview visibility through technology. However, there were several hitches in this law that delayed its announcement for years. According to sources, the lawmakers wanted to deliberate on this to make sure that the announcement was practical.

Officials and stakeholders from the US and across borders have been exchanging notes on how effective the use of backup cameras is on all manufactured models for the US market.

The 2014 announcement

The announcement that all vehicles will need these cameras came in 2014. The department of Transport broke the news to the automakers and gave them enough time to implement this.

High-end vehicles have been coming to the country with reverse cameras and sensors already. This is synced with an automatic braking system to automatically stop the vehicle when there is an obstruction in its way.

However, budget vehicles were yet to comply with these regulations, but as of now, they have no option since the law has been passed already. Previously, those who wanted to add this feature had the option of visiting the web to see these details of the backup camera and many other safety devices that they can add to their vehicles. All new models coming to the country have no option other than to comply.

Beneficiaries of the Move

According to authorities, every road user will benefit from this move. To be specific, here are those who will benefit most.

· Children – Most US homes have an open driveway and kids are fond of playing around these areas. As drivers back up, they cannot see young kids in the back, and often, they are run over. But now, the backup cameras will enhance visibility.

· Adult pedestrians – Even though adults are more alert to detect a backing up vehicle, it is common for both drivers and adults to be caught unaware. Sometimes, there are cases of such accidents.

· Vehicle owners – Finding objects as you back up is not the best thing to happen to a vehicle owner. It means that they have to visit a garage every time this happens. Fleet companies that have many cars that are always in use will benefit even more from this move.


According to experts, this law will save numerous lives in the US and avoid injuries caused by backup crashes. It might look like a hard to achieve requirement, but once it has been successful, the entire country will appreciate this monumental advancement.

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James Johnson, a journalist with a Master's degree in Communication Technology from MIT, has been a leading voice in tech and gadget journalism for over a decade. Since joining our team in 2019, he has specialized in providing insightful reviews and cutting-edge coverage of the latest tech and gadget trends. Before his current role, James contributed to various tech magazines and websites, enhancing his expertise in consumer electronics. When not exploring the newest gadgets, he indulges in photography, a hobby that complements his professional interests.


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